Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Jesus Has Overcome

As I sit feverish and achy, I look around my house and see all that needs to be done by Friday - moving day.  The enemy sees a chance to reek havoc with discouragement.  My Faithful Father sees a chance to show Himself strong.
At times such as these, it is all too easy for me to lose perspective of what really matters.  I turn on some worship music to help regain my focus.... Chris Tomlin's, "I will Rise."  One line stands out, "Jesus has overcome..."  And there it is, Jesus has already overcome.  No matter my circumstances, it has already been done.   I don't want to sound trite, but I can say it no other way: nothing else matters.  The to-do list fades, the full cupboards stop screaming at me.  My Faithful and True has already made provision for every need.  Jesus has overcome.

If you have a moment, close your eyes and have a moment of worship with me:


  1. Great heart-felt word, my friend! He is our strength!
    Keep writing :) Love Lissa

  2. Seeking the Finished work of the Cross is vastly different than we've been taught. Excellent revelation...that's a vein of Gold worth following!!!
